Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Analogy of Facebook

You 'like' and you 'dislike', you comment and you vote, you update your status and put up pictures... till this point of time and space does facebook looks like an entertaining thing! But then you 'tag' people with photos showing a vase of rotten flowers! You send F***ville requests! You ask stupid questions and answer even stupider ones... at this point of time you realise that the entertainment factor is gone and replaced by a crooked, evil smile on your face! Do heck with what's good and what's not... like it or dislike it... You use it!
I will not be surprised when I grow old and have shining silver hair (and perhaps an oxygen mask), if people elope nad marry on facebook and like when the girl's dad posts swear words in the boy's wall!
I will be even less surprised if people of the generation to come call this present decade as the decade of 'The Facebook'!
People who do not use Facebook (like there are any!) find it difficult to swallow the idea of facebook! They don't understand the reason of its success...they can see the aura around it... they fail to get the X-factor that faceook has!
Let me explain this the reason behind these things to those non-existent people!
First things first... Facebook has become a phenomenon due to a simple, comprehensible fact... It is one damn addiction!
There are things you are allowed to do and there atre things that you are not allowed to do... and facebook lets you do all of these things with complete freedom!
You 'like' what you like and you 'dislike' what you dislike. No formal pretention! No fake 'Oh-its-so-pretty's' !
You creake your own public image... your own virtual avatar! It might represent who you are or might be the complete opposite! But this is the thing I like most about facebook... it lets you create a represent ation that is more like the framework of you mind instead of you physical being! It lets you create the actual 'YOU', without the defects... without misproportions... without faults!
Facebook has got more than 600 million users, not because it is a social-network, frankly, there are many of those! Faceboo is a grand success because it is a virtual world... and place where all dreams come true... a place with no limits and a perfectly precise environment... where all girls are beautiful and all guys are smart... and where everything is possible!
When Mark Zuckerberg was creating Facebook, he must not have an idea that he was creating something that would change the face of the future... he must not have had an idea that this wasn't just 'a' Social network...this was 'THE' Social network!

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