Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Run...Apocalypse coming!!!

The world will end when it will end. There is no point being scared that a mighty meteor, which will presumably, appear out of a gigantic black hole, will strike the earth and kill us all, just because the Mayans did not know how to count after 2012. This is the ultimate extent of stupidity.
Assuming that they did know that the earth will come to an end in 2012, and that a giant rat will come and devour us all, it is still utter foolishness to sell all that you have and go hide in a cave. If there were to be a massive earthquake and the earth were to end, you would die even if you were hiding in a small cave in the mountains of Turkey!
I guarantee, if I had a long beard and a toga, I would have convinced at least a dozen people to sell all their property and dig an underground cave!
Do you know what the reason behind all this is?
I'll tell it to you. In all the years of development that we've seen, in the technological revolution that we've experienced, there is one vital thing that we've forgotten!
Yes, we've started to believe in much more of this entire non-sense! We try to convince ourselves that all the mistakes that we've committed will all be wiped out in a single stroke and that we'll all be spared! How childish!
I write this because I recently read a report claiming that a dozen or so people sold all they had because they believed in the 20-may-apocalypse!
Guys! Jesus ain't coming back that soon... and even if he is, he'll lead you into light and not take you into darkness!
So believe in what is a fact and don't take in what is fagged!
I keep this post real short because this isn't an actual post! This is just a small notice of caution for all those who believe too soon... and repent soon enough!
So guys... Keep your cool... There ain't no meteor coming towards us that's not been noticed, and there ain't no Godzilla waking up from its two-hundred-thousand year hibernation!

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